UV additive for detecting leakages
This product contains a highly concentrated formulation that helps users detect leaks in hydraulic systems and cool compressors. It contains a potent dye that illuminates most leaks under UV light.
Safety Data Sheet Technical Data SheetTo effectively utilize COOL-PLUS UV DET for leak detection and compressor cooling, it should be added to the compressor or hydraulic system oil at a treat rate of 1%. This addition enhances the system's ability to pinpoint and address leaks, promoting efficient operation.
This product features a potent dye as its key component, which is formulated to fluoresce when exposed to UV (ultraviolet) light. This dye enhances its ability to identify and highlight potential leaks in hydraulic systems or assist in compressor cooling.
The primary purpose of COOL-PLUS UV DET is to provide a reliable method for detecting leaks in hydraulic systems and promoting compressor cooling. It achieves this through the inclusion of a potent dye that becomes visible under UV (ultraviolet) light when present at the specified concentration.
This product contains a highly concentrated formulation, with a treat rate of 1%, making it an effective solution for detecting leaks in hydraulic systems and assisting in compressor cooling.
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