Circuit cleaner
This product is specifically designed for cleaning circuits, pipes, and sumps and contains a synthetic fluid that effectively removes varnish and sludge. The cleaning action of this fluid is based on its solvency, which is derived from esters and PAG, making it suitable for cleaning only circuits with PAG. It should not be used with mineral or PAO oils as it is not compatible with them.
Safety Data Sheet Technical Data SheetTo use this cleaning fluid, you should mix 10% of the fluid with the fluid currently in use in the system. Allow the mixture to remain in the system for a duration of 12 to 48 hours, ensuring that the oil circulates and reaches its operating temperature during this period. Afterward, drain the system, clean the filters, and refill it with fresh oil. This process helps remove varnish and sludge buildup from the system effectively.
This cleaning fluid is compatible with circuits that use PAG-based oils. However, it should not be used with mineral or PAO (polyalphaolefin) oils as it is not compatible with them.
The cleaning action of this fluid is based on its solvency, which is derived from esters and PAG (polyalkylene glycol). These components make it effective at dissolving and removing varnish and sludge from the system.
This product is specifically designed for cleaning circuits, pipes, and sumps. It is formulated with a synthetic fluid that effectively removes varnish and sludge from these systems.
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