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What are the recommended steps for applying this cleaner to a cooling system, including preparation, usage instructions, and the amount needed for different system sizes?


What are the recommended steps for applying this cleaner to a cooling system, including preparation, usage instructions, and the amount needed for different system sizes?

To increase performance, first replace the old coolant with water, and then add this cleaner. Shake the bottle well and add it to the cooling system via the expansion tank (if part of the system circuit) or directly into the radiator when a single hose overflow tank is fitted. Warm up the engine with the heater control set to the HOT position. Let the engine run idle for 10 minutes with the heater still in the HOT position. Stop the engine and allow it to cool. Open the drain valve and empty the system. With the system still open, flush it with water until the water runs clear, then close the system and refill it with coolant. One bottle of Radiator Clean of 300ml is sufficient for cooling systems with capacities ranging from 5 to 12 liters.

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