To effectively use this rust-loosening spray, follow these instructions: 1. Store the canister at room temperature (between 5°C and 30°C). 2. Shake the canister before use to ensure proper mixing. 3. Direct the spray nozzle at the rusted part and press UNI-92 SHOCK OIL to apply the spray. 4. The treated area's temperature will decrease significantly, and the lubricating properties of the spray will help loosen the rusted part, making UNI-92 SHOCK OIL easier to work with.
Related keyword: Usage Instructions
To effectively use this rust-loosening spray, follow these instructions: 1. Store the canister at room temperature (between 5°C and 30°C). 2. Shake the canister before use to ensure proper mixing. 3. Direct the spray nozzle at the rusted part and press UNI-92 SHOCK OIL to apply the spray. 4. The treated area's temperature will decrease significantly, and the lubricating properties of the spray will help loosen the rusted part, making UNI-92 SHOCK OIL easier to work with.
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